

  • preparation of events
  • monitoring project possibilities
  • offers and tender preparation
  • gathering project ideas
  • project generation
  • pre-qualification
  • preparation of documentation


  • preparation of studies (e.g. feasibility studies etc.)
  • elaboration of a project
  • program and event planning
  • collecting documentation (e.g. permits, certificates etc.)
  • submission of project (by electronic and/or post)
  • notification of acceptance/processing of the application, preparation of clarifications


(Project management)

  • signing the grant contract
  • monitoring reports
  • financial statements
  • organization of events and programs
  • support for project management and audits
  • obligation to provide PR, marketing and publicity
  • submission and adoption of the final financial report


  • preparation and submission of mandatory reports after the project period
  • preparation of professional reports
  • compiling photo and video documentation


Why to apply?

Do you or your institution want to be part of the huge entrepreneurial community that owes some of its success to non-refundable grants that flow back into the economy from tax revenues?

Have you ever seen roadside signs that list support of the projects? Settlement development, rainwater drainage, site development, modernization, support for start-ups, renovation and expansion of public institutions etc?

By submitting such and similar projects, we can provide you EU and national funding to help your company make improvements.

That’s why it’s worth to apply

With who?



With who should I write my application and with who to organize my events?

Our many years of experience show that both of the national an EU application system have such special requirements that they cannot be prepared by the applicant himself or herself, but often he cannot find the source himself.

For this reason, our institution`s services can be useful aid in navigating this specialized and complex system, as it our day-to-day job to have detailed knowledge of applications and to navigate the rules of the application resources.

Summarized the work of an event organizer and grant consultant will help you to:

  • search the source of application;
  • project and company analysis;
  • pre-qualification;
  • avoiding pitfalls;
  • harmonizing goals and resources;
  • cost savings.

With us! We help you, or your institution!
Ask our staff for free information and pre-qualification for your institution at the following contacts!

Phone number: +36 20 239 04 43 or